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Building Ogre3D with Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 (Visual Studio Community 2015)

Today we will build Ogre3D graphics rendering engine ( using Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 compiler (Visual Studio Community 2015).

Building Ogre can take some time and things don't always go smoothly, which is why I decided to document the entire process. I will follow the basic process as documented in the official guides:

Just be aware that I may be using a slightly different directory structure within my build. Substitute my paths for yours where applicable.

The latest stable release is 1.9 and has been around for a long time, so it should build without too much trouble.

Continue reading "Building Ogre3D with Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 (Visual Studio Community 2015)"

Building Boost C++ libraries with Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 (Visual Studio Community 2015)

Today we will build Boost C++ libraries ( using Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 compiler (Visual Studio Community 2015).

We will build both 32 bit and 64 bit binaries.

Download and extract files

Download the latest release (at this time Boost 1.59.0 hosted on SourceForge)

Extract the files to a directory of your choice; I use /lib_source/

I like to keep my third party libraries separate from my own projects. I copy the final compiled binary files to a separate location, depending on the compiler used. For MSVC 2015 the folder is /lib_msvc14 (for MinGW it might be /lib_mingw47). You get the idea.

Continue reading "Building Boost C++ libraries with Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 (Visual Studio Community 2015)"